Spring Flowers in the West Coast National Park

Last updated: Aug 01, 2018

Spring flower season in the Cape Region starts from the beginning of August to the end of September, however both the West Coast and the Tankwa Karoo national parks' best viewing period is between the end of August until mid-September.

In very few places on earth is the arrival of spring so well heralded as it is on the West Coast of South Africa. The veld transforms from shrubby green to a kaleidoscope of colour and beauty as the flowers open up to the sun.

The flower season differs every year depending on the weather, but the best viewing is generally between August and October.

Our visit to the West Coast National Park was a lovely one with the Postberg area living up to its reputation for great flower viewing. The area is normally closed, but for flower season is opened up to welcome visitors.

The West Coast National Park offers beautiful views of the ocean on one side, and the clear blue lagoon on the other.

The best time to view the flowers is during the hottest part of the day when the sun is shining. Stand with the sun to your back for the best view of the flowers.

You can tour the rest of The Flower Route and head further north up to Namaqualand. The many small towns along the route welcome guests… and be sure to stop off for a pancake or two.

For more information on visiting Namaqualand, you can go to Our Guide to the Namaqualand Flowers.