Baboon Rock Hike
- Cathedral Peak> Drakensberg> Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg
This 15 kilometre hike starts out from the Cathedral Peak Hotel and heads down the Nxwaye Valley before heading up to Ganabu Ridge, and t...
Monks Cowl Nature Reserve
- Monks Cowl> Drakensberg> Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg
Located in the Northern Drakensberg, the Monks Cowl Nature Reserve offers a number of great hiking trails with beautiful views of the mou...
Champagne Sports Resort and Golf Club
- Drakensberg> Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg> KwaZulu-Natal
This resort can be found in the Champagne Valley in the heart of the Drakensberg area of KwaZulu-Natal. A total of 152 hotel rooms and 91...