Forming the southern sibling to the Greater Karoo, the Klein Karoo is bordered by the Swartberg and the Langeberg Mountains. At first look the Klein Karoo appears dry, arid and unable to sustain life, but on closer inspection you will find a thriving and unique biome. The semi-desert vegetation consists of many succulents including aloes and dwarf baobab, with the spring flowers attracting visitors from afar. The Klein Karoo is also home to a number of animals including meerkat, suricate, and the bat-eared fox.
Ostrich farming is widespread in the Klein Karoo, where the animals are kept for their meat, eggs, and feathers. The climate is semi-arid with rain in winter allowing wine farmers to produce a variety of quality wines.
The towns of the Klein Karoo offer a snapshot into a traditional South African 'dorpie' or town. The Cango Caves, outside of Oudtshoorn, are well worth a visit and were carved by years of rainwater eroding the rock to form wonderful indoor caverns and passages.